Dallas Startups List

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ID 50463

Dan Zimmerman

Nuts and bolts guy. Private public. M&A. Financings and raise ups. Industrial & consumer products. Consulting to early stage companies; including my own!

ID 5119

Dennis Dayman


Worked at @at-t, @eloqua • Studied at @stephen-f-austin-state-university http://thedaymans.com/me.htm

ID 478924

Noel Geren


Founder/CTO @zoomrank - @sprinkl-io - Founding member @hrlogix (acq by @first-advantage) - Software Developer - Hardware Hacker - Extraordinaire

ID 6197

Florence Lowe

Founder & CEO Insider Edge | Worked in finance at @hudson-advisors, @capital-one, AA | As software engineer at @ubs-warburg, @ibm | Chicago Booth MBA, MCA & BA Math

ID 216882

Robert Smith

Mr. Smith is the Syndicate Lead for Media Li²ght Entertainment , BitCoin India, Nonlinear Film Technology and The Exchange Visionary Laboratories,

ID 55079

Larry Simmons, Jr

Day Trader. Wholesaler. Co-Owner of @l-e-a-r-investments

ID 51762

Nelson Hsu

VP Marketing @traxo. Experience launching products globally. McKinsey, Remy Martin Cognacs, Newell Rubbermaid, Lucent, eArtGroup. BS/MS @stanford-university, MBA Kellogg

ID 61884

Justin Kvasnicka


Sr. Strategy Advisor, Dell, Inc. Formerly Fund Manager, BR Venture Fund; Senior Analyst, Capital Southwest Corporation; Analyst, JP Morgan Investment Bank.

ID 38908

Ed Luczycki


Principle at Collective Strategies, LLC, President/CTO at Collective Technology Group, Solutions Architect at Dynamo Labs LLC.

ID 50792

Baxter Box


Founder/CEO at @rewardstyle.com / @currentlyobsessed-me

ID 8582

Chris Walters

Biz Dev, Technologist, Speaker & Coach who thrives on selling complicated products that solve important problems.

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